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meet the pw board

board jobs {spring 2024}

primary jobs

Treasurers: Riki, Lulu, Sofia

manages all of pw's finances via the SAO & communications with UFB

Secretaries: Lulu

responsible for keeping minutes of PW's weekly meetings

Listserv: Lulu

sends the semi-weekly pw newsletter

Pwemail: Lulu, Calvin, Sofia 

manages the inbox

Spay May: Abbey

space maintenance! 

Grants: Sofia, Emma

point people for questions related to pw's grant opportunities 

TF Green Queens: Andrew, Abbey

board members on the TF Green Advisory Board (TFGAB)

Agenda Binch: Abbey

plans agenda for and leads pw's weekly meetings

New Mems Moms: Sofia, Lulu, Abbey

facilitate and organize the application process for new members to the pw board 

Web Team: Titi, Sofia, Navaiya, Emma, Lulu

maintain the pwebsite 

Show Packet: Calvin

keep pw's "show packet" (containing info for getting a show off the ground) up-to-date 

Chief Resident: Yana

First Aid Kit extraordinaire 

Archives: Abbey

collects and maintains photos, posters, and important documents from past productions and updates the archive page on the website 

Calendar Strumpet: Abbey, Emma

maintains the pw calendar 

Activities Fairy: Lulu

organizes pw table at the activities fair at the start of each semester 

Transformers: Lulu 

reaches out and acts as point-person for transfer students to Brown interested in pw

Alum Outreach: Lulu

reaches out to the alum 

Lulu's Chair Inscriptions: Lulu, Emma

organizes donations from alumni in exchange for having their names inscribed on audience seating chairs at TF Green 

Safety Officers: Calvin, Abbey

pw's SAO-mandated safety officers 

Lift Trained: Abbey

trained to use the lift 

Hazmat & Paint: Abbey, Andrew, Navaiya

undergo hazardous waste training to maintain paint room 

Long John Silver Box: Titi, Yana

point-person for pw's silver box in the TF Green lobby 

SM Kit Kid: Lulu

maintain TF Green's stage manager supplies 

Decision Meeting Czars: Yana, Calvin 

organize pw's season decision meetings

Piano Man: Sofia

(theoretically) tunes pw's piano located in the upspace 

Poster Boy: Calvin, Yana

design posters, graphics as needed for pw social media and events

Marquee de Sade: Abbey, Calvin 

update pw's marquee on the exterior of the TF Green 

Visions Meetings: Titi, Emma, Yana

organize pw's bi-annual "visions" meetings about organization mission 

The Pwun People: Abbey, Riki

organize fun events

Sign Extraordinaire: Lulu

maintain signs in TF Green related to pw-maintained rooms 

Leave Lords: Calvin

point-people for any board members on leave 

Heckler: Lulu

heckles board into being friends {job founded by Sonna Obiorah '22}

Stair Stacker: Sofia

stacks the stairs

Chair Stacker: Emma

stacks the chairs

Stair Chacker: Titi

chacks the stairs


Chair Chacker: Lulu

chacks the chairs 

Stair Whacker: Abbey

whacks the stairs

liason to the past: the storm

room assignments

Scene Shop**: Yana

**not currently available for public use 

Costume Closet: Lulu, Titi

Electrics: Calvin, Yana

Paint Room: Abbey, Sofia

Furniture Room: Abbey, Riki

Props Closet: Riki, Emma

Dressing Room: Titi, Yana

Pwibrary: Lulu, Sofia

Booths: Calvin, Yana

Box Office: Abbey

Sound Pile: Emma, Yana

Hot Room: Lulu, Calvin

some iterations of the pw board throughout the years!

interested in joining the pw board?

PW generally has two application cycles each school year for joining the board, one per semester. Keep an eye out on this site and our social media for information about when apps are open! you are also always welcome to email for information about the work of the board or pw as an organization.

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